Helfers Law8123 Delmar Blvd
Suite 200
Saint Louis, MO 63130

Welcome to Mark Helfers Law

My name is Mark Helfers, and I don’t share the same philosophy as many other personal injury attorneys you might find. I believe in maximizing recovery for each and every client. This means that I take all of my own depositions and do all of my own legal case preparation. I work with a small, efficient staff to develop my cases more thoroughly and give my clients more personal attention.

Automobile Accident: St.Louis County Police Chase

$30 million verdict reached on behalf of a teenage passenger who was severely injured when a 17 year old driver decided to flee police after running a stop sign. I was able to find enough evidence of excessive force against the 2 police officers involved in the chase to win a $905,000 settlement for my client and his family.

Automobile insurance coverages: What do they mean?

Mark Says: Insurance is confusing at best! Here are some explanations of common automobile insurance coverages that may help you to understand your policy.

Cases and Settlements

Mark has a track record of achieving impressive results for his clients. He has been a trial lawyer since 1976 and over the course of his career has won over $50 Million dollars in settlements and verdicts on behalf of his clients.

View notable cases